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Why China

Why China

Why you should study in China - 13 reasons

  1. Invaluable experience and discovery of Chinese culture.
  2. According to the most pessimistic overviews, for at least 15 years the economy in China will grow rapidly. That fact guarantees highly profitable job!
  3. The opportunity to touch the most ancient culture! Many masterpieces of culture are protected by UNESCO
  4. Chinese language – the most common language in the world. More than 1 billion people speak on that language
  5. It’s rare to meet European who knows Chinese. And rare qualities are more valuable. A translator from Chinese is more expensive than a translator from English!
  6. Chinese culture is a culture of every fifth person on Earth!
  7. Study in China will give your opportunity to make friends from all over the world!
  8. The level of education in China is as good as in western countries. Chinese are mobilized, so they try to take and create only the best, THE MOST MODERN!
  9. Safety! There is almost no crime in China. The laws are very strict. Anyway, the Chinese do not tend to violate the law. Their religion, Confucianism, is mainly based on worship towards elders and towards the state. You can walk in the city completely safely even on dark streets
  10. Study in China is much cheaper than in the USA and the UK.
  11. The main advantage of Chinese universities is that you can come to the country and go to study without knowing a single word of Chinese. But it better to prepare and learn basics. The best way is to pass 1-year language courses. About Chinese courses, you can read by following that link.
  12. There are no age restrictions to study in China.
  13. The cost of living in China is very cheap. The fact that in order to have the same level of benefits as we used to have in our countries, in China we have to pay less.